Saturday, March 8, 2014

Purple Rain

          I had never seen this movie before, and never really knew too much Prince before.  I listen to all kinds of music, but I just never really delved into Prince that much before.  I liked the music of the film, and took it for what it was meant to be like we had discussed in class, one long music video.  Instead of trying to analyze the film on plot structure, or lack there of, or on the acting, I just enjoyed the 80's vibe and style that it showcased.  I enjoyed the music, so in turn I enjoyed it as the promotional sky rocket it was for Prince and his career.
         It has a formula we have all seen done many times like mentioned in class. Footloose, Saturday Night Fever, An Officer and A Gentleman was another with the similar structure, no music of course. The idea of the tough masculine guy with issues, and the girl who changes him.  The protagonist struggle is there, but who cares, that's not the point of the movie.  The point of it though was successful in it's use of synergy to promote Prince, like mentioned in the article.  The soundtrack was a huge hit, and the movie went on to become a cult classic and created a worldwide icon of Prince.  I wasn't around in the 80's to experience his rise, but now after watching Purple Rain, I'd be lying if I said I haven't listened to the soundtrack and other Prince songs now, so the effect is still there.  Nowadays there are still examples of artists using films to promote their music, but now they are done with much more substance, and in cases like Eminem's 8 mile, or 50 Cent's Get Rich or Die Tryin', not only were they promoting their music and their image, they also told their personal stories and struggles, something Purple Rain didn't do, which was mentioned in class.  Purple Rain wasn't meant to be like that though, the purpose wasn't to show his struggle as the same struggle as the Kid, but to string together the music.  I saw online that there is a sequel to Purple Rain, Graffiti Bridge, but I assume that it was not nearly as successful as Purple Rain, being that if you say Prince, likelihood is people are going to instantly associate Purple Rain, not Graffiti Bridge. I may look into it though at some point just out of curiosity.


  1. I agree that if you don't analyze the film too deeply and just take it for the music and the images, it's not too bad to watch.
    I like what you said about artists now doing the same thing as Prince, incorporating their music into a film to promote themselves but it's done better now because it's not a fictional story line. Eminem and 50 Cent had movies that were based on their personal struggle. Maybe if Prince had done that it could have been a good film and not just a giant music video.

  2. Yeah, analysis and taking the story seriously isn't at all the point. As you note, it's exactly the same story in a zillion other movies. I'm not sure that Prince is all that masculine as a figure though. He's far too pretty and wears far too much lace and eyeshadow. His androgyny for me is the most interesting thing about his image--though the music really does hold up over time. But in general yes, you got the point here, and well.
